Zürich is a compact metropolis and our public transportation network is one of the most efficient and reliable in the world. It’s no surprise that streetcars and buses are the preferred means of transportation. The dense network and frequent services connect every point in the city.Those who explore the city by public transportation, by bicycle, or on foot travel efficiently and sustainably.

Trams, buses + trains
Our efficient and exceptionally well-developed transportation network is the pride and joy of Zürich’s inhabitants. Trams, buses, and trains regularly take passengers to every corner of the city and surrounding region.
We’re making it easy to get around. Opt-in for a free 3-day pass (Zone 110) when you register for the conference!
Citymapper for Zürich
Zurich Transport Network (ZVV)

Taxis + Rideshare
The preferred method of getting around in Zürich is by public transportation. However, taxis and ridesharing services are easily available too.

By bike
In Zürich, there are various bike hire stations, as well as bike sharing systems that work without having a stationary infrastructure. It makes it easy to get hold of a temporary bike in the city quickly and easily.
Bike rentals

On foot
The most surprising sides of Zürich can be discovered on foot or on wheels. This is not only an ecologically sound way of getting around, but also usually the fastest way to reach your destination.
Jogging routes